CCC Participates in a Creative Climate Conversation

Watch: a creative climate conversation between Zimbabwe & Scotland…

Hosted by CCC’s Fadzai Mwakutuya (also of Afro Art Lab) as part of Repository of the Undercommons (RotU). This filmed event facilitated conversation between artists from Scotland and Zimbabwe to discuss how artist labour could be essential work for climate action and what tools artists can offer for raising awareness and diversifying conversations around climate change.

(en)countering crisis + re:making futures will explore what issues are affecting those working in the arts and how climate campaigns could address them. Fadzai Mwakutuya, Afro Art Lab + RotU are working in partnership with Circus Artspace to support this online event as part of the Climate Change Creative project. Repository of the Undercommons Highland based artist Fadzai Mwakutuya is part of Repository of the Undercommons (RotU). RotU puts people into contact with art, creating + making, alongside the practice of building practical solidarity with today’s struggles. RotU members are encouraged to undertake an exploration of their practice which is freeing, provocative + centres collective liberation. Climate Change Creative is an online artivist resource created to facilitate the sharing of original designs within the public domain; such as banners and placards which raise climate change awareness. The project is funded by Enough! and Creative Scotland. Circus Artspace aims to support dialogues and amplify a wider diversity of Highland voices, places and experiences. We have supported this event with a small mobile data fund to promote digital accessibility + inclusion, which will be distributed via the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, Dzimbanhete Arts and Culture Interactions Trust and Visual Artists Association of Bulawayo.

David Cass

Artist, also creating design work via CreateCreate

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